For the history of the merger that led up to the United Church of Christ of Robesonia, click on this History of the Merger link.

Formal Beginning of the United Church of Christ of Robesonia - Sunday, January 1, 2023

The legal name change of St. Paul’s UCC in Robesonia to the United Church of Christ of Robesonia became official on Sunday, January 1, 2023. On that date the merged congregation recognized itself as a new church. The actual legal dissolution of Zion UCC took place in August 2024, after completing what became an unexpectedly long and expensive legal process.

Opening Worship Service - Sunday, January 8, 2023

To help ensure the best attendance possible for our opening worship service, instead of holding the service on Sunday, January 1, 2023 (New Year’s Day), our Opening Worship Service was held on Sunday, January 8, 2023. During that worship service the Covenant Association of the UCC recognized our church as an UCC congregation; the Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz and the Rev. Mary Etta Mest were formally installed as our Pastor & Teacher; and members joined, as the first opportunity to be Charter Members of the new church.

Installation of the First Consistory and Leadership - Sunday, January 15, 2023

The first Consistory of the United Church of Christ of Robesonia was installed by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz and the Rev. Mary Etta Mest during the morning worship service on Sunday, January 15, 2023.

The first Consistory President was Elsa Wertz (Elder & Deacon). The first Consistory Vice President was George McLain (Deacon).

Other Consistory members included: the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz (Head of the Elders); the Mary Etta Mest (Co-Head of the Elders); Cory Putt - Head Deacon (Deacon & Elder); Jon Henning (Deacon & Elder); Terry Pastor (Elder & Deacon); Diane McAllister (Deacon); Brenda Conlon (Deacon); Geri Gammel (Elder & Deacon); Wanda Moore (Elder & Deacon); Dale Mentzer - Head Trustee (Trustee); and Ray Trone (Trustee, Elder, & Deacon).

Other Leadership included: Robin Henning - Chair of the Evangelism & Mission Committee; Denise Unger - Chair of the Christian Education Committee; and Carl Unger - Chair of the Property Committee; Barb Orth - Chair of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee for Rev. Dr. Motz; and Jon Eiceman and Rick Rentschler - Co-Chairs of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee for the Rev. Mest. The Worship Committee and Fellowship Committee chair positions were initially vacant at the beginning of the year.

Young Children & Their Families Ministry

One of the first new ministries for the new church was the creation of a Young Children & Their Families Ministry, designed for children younger than youth group (younger than 5th grade) and their families (including older youth). We began an assortment of monthly activities for young children and their families in the beginning of the new year.

First Baptism - Sunday, February 5, 2023

On Sunday, February 5, 2023 Fletcher Palmer was baptized into the faith and family of Jesus Christ, as the first person to be baptized in the United Church of Christ of Robesonia by the Rev. Mary Etta Mest and the Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz during the morning worship service. Near the end of the worship service, the congregation moved to the Miller Fellowship Hall for Fletcher to be baptized using Zion UCC’s marble baptismal font (which was located in the fellowship hall at the time), as his older brothers Garrett and Baylor were previously baptized using that particular font.

First Funerals of the UCC of Robesonia

The first funeral of a member was held for Priscilla Graeff at the Lamm & Witman Funeral Home on March 10, 2023, officiated by the Rev. Mary Etta Mest.

The first funeral held in the church sanctuary for a member was for Jean Fidler on August 14, 2023, officiated by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz.

Wine & Strawberry Festival

Prior to the merger, Zion UCC had held an annual Strawberry Festival, which came to an end in the years leading up to the merger. During the merger process and after the merger, the history of that annual event became the catalyst for a unifying combined Wine & Strawberry Festival, which included wine vendors, live music, food, inflatable slide for kids, petting zoo, prayer tent, and children’s craft station.

Our first Wine & Strawberry Festival took place on Saturday, June 3, 2023.

17th Annual Car Show - Saturday, August 12, 2023

The annual car show started by the members of St. Paul’s UCC, enthusiastically continued and grew with the membership of the United Church of Christ of Robesonia, under the leadership of the Men’s Fellowship Group.

10th Annual Knoebels Grove Amusement Park - Worship & Family Day - Sunday, August 13, 2023

The annual 10:30-11:00am Knoebels Amusement Park worship service, started by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz, continued with the United Church of Christ of Robesonia. During the COVID pandemic we stopped offering meals as a part of that service. This year we resumed having a potluck meal at the pavilion after the worship service. The attendance continued to grow. While Rev. Dr. Motz led worship at the park, the Rev. Mary Etta Mest led worship in the sanctuary.

2024 - The Second Year of the New Church

Stay-Near-Home Mission Trip

Prior to the merger, St. Paul’s UCC led a stay-near-home mission trip, a day in which we would gather for prayer, go out to homes of those who were in need of assistance with a home project and complete that project, and return to the church building for dinner and worship.

During the merger process and after the merger, this continued to be a unifying ministry of our church.

Our first Stay-Near-Home Mission Trip as a new church took place on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

First Confirmation Class - Sunday, May 5, 2024

The first confirmation class of the United Church of Christ of Robesonia included: Arial Meehan, Ayden Meehan, Ethan Motz, Preslie Ulrich, and Vaughn Ulrich. It was a two year program that began prior to the merger in September 2022 and was taught by the Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz with Elsa Wertz assisting as the second adult. Elsa Wertz, as the teacher for the senior high Sunday school class, was also their Sunday school teacher.

New Website - June 2024

In June 2024, Steven Motz began developing our new website with the domain name The site was launched for the Consistory in July 2024, and was publicly launched to the congregation in August 2024. Steven Motz, the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz, and Geri Gammel (office secretary) continued to develop the website throughout 2024.

New street signs replaced the two old signs along West Penn Avenue (Route 422) that included the new church name and the new domain name.