Environmental Stewardship

Caring for God’s Creation

Biblical Mandate

In scripture, particularly in Genesis 1:28, we believe we are called upon to be good stewards (good caretakers) of God’s creation.

United Church of Christ - Environmental Stewardship / Environmental Justice / Creation Justice

In the United Church of Christ, we sometimes speak of Environmental Stewardship as Environmental Justice or Creation Justice.

The following are links to some additional UCC environmental resources:
United Church of Christ Environmental Justice Ministries
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC Environmental Justice Ministries

Environmental Stewardship Ministry Efforts within the UCC of Robesonia

Some of the ways in which we seek to practice good environmental stewardship include:


The UCC of Robesonia has been converting from incandescent to lighting to the more efficient lighting of LED and florescent bulbs.


Throughout the building, you can find recycling bins for paper, plastic, glass, metal, and cardboard.


We have two composting bins for organic matter behind the church building. Our thanks to the Girl Scouts who built one of those bins. We rotate putting organic matter [leaves, food scraps (no meats, fats, or bones in the bin please), grass, coffee grounds, etc] in the two different bins, allowing one to compost, while the other is being filled.

Zoned Thermostats

We have zoned our building into six different heating/cooling areas to be more efficient in heating and cooling only the areas of the building that are in use.

Bottle Refill Station

We have converted one water fountain (and are in the process of converting the other) into a fountain/bottle-refill-station, in order to encourage and enable multi-use water bottles (to decrease the use of single use plastic bottles).

Reusable Grocery Bags

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz donated enough reusable grocery bags for every member to have at least two bags, to encourage and enable reusable bags, in order to decrease use and demand of single use plastic bags. The reusable grocery bags have our church name and an environmental stewardship message.

Roadside Clean Up

One of our youth group led activities from time to time (usually around Earth Day in April), is to go along some of the streets and creeks in Robesonia and pick up trash.

Blue Marsh Lake - Earth Day

At times our church has helped with the Earth Day clean up and tree and native species planting events at Blue Marsh Lake.

Girl Scouts with composting bin that they built

Girl Scouts Making a Composting Bin

Water Fountain & Bottle Refill Station Installation

Planting Trees at Blue Marsh