Prayer Ministry

Prayer List

     Please let us know if we can be in prayer with you.  Visitors and members alike are welcome to add names to the prayer list.  The prayer list is in the back of the weekly bulletin.  Names are generally left on the list for about a month.  Names can potentially be included for a longer or shorter period of time if requested.

     If you would like someone’s name added to the prayer list, you may use the pew card, or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or

     We invite persons to take the bulletin home with them, and include those listed on the prayer list in their prayers during the upcoming week.

Prayer Chain

     Another way in which we can be in prayer for you is by being added to the prayer chain.  Our prayer team prays weekly not only for those on the prayer list, but also those who would like to be prayed for through our prayer chain.  (You can be included on the prayer chain or the prayer list or both, depending on your preference).

     To join the Prayer Chain to participate in praying for others or to have someone's name added to the Prayer Chain please contact Robin Henning (Prayer Chain Coordinator) or the church office at 610-621-5770 or

Healing Service

About once every other month we have a healing service during our Sunday morning worship service. During this service we offer a variety of options for how people can participate. Individuals (visitors and members alike) are welcome to: (1) come forward to receive an individual prayer and anointing with holy oil from a Pastor and Elder; (2) come forward to kneel at the chancel rail and pray on your own with the prayers of the congregation behind you; (3) come forward to light a prayer candle; (4) have the Pastor/Elder come to you where you are seated; (5) remain in your pew in quiet prayer; or (6) any combination of those options.

For more information about our healing services, please contact the Pastor(s) or the church office.

To learn when our next healing service will take place, you can see our calendar page, upcoming events page, or contact the church office.