Funeral, Memorial, Burial, & Internment Services


We wish to express our condolences for your loss. We are here to be of love, support, and care for you during your time of grief and loss.

Pease contact the church office or be in contact with one of our Pastors for the planning of a funeral service.

For our Funeral Guide Booklet, you can click on this Funeral Guide Booklet link or contact the church office for a paper copy. This guide provides helpful information for planning your funeral service and provides answers to some of the more common questions about planning.

Overview from the UCC Book of Worship

In the Christian community, death is a corporate experience that touches the life of the entire family of faith. When a death occurs, the immediate family is encouraged to notify the church as soon as possible and to share fully in planning a service. The service recognizes both the pain and sorrow of the separation that accompanies death and the hope and joy of the promises of God to those who die and are raised in Jesus Christ. The service celebrates the life of the deceased, gives thanks for that person’s life, and commends that life to God. It offers consolation to the bereaved by acknowledging their grief and anger or guilt. It provides the Christian community and others an opportunity to support the bereaved with their presence. Its purpose is to affirm once more the powerful, steadfast love of God from which people cannot be separated, even by death.

Pre-Planning Your Service

Members are invited to meet with one of our Pastors, if they would like to pre-plan their funeral service.

All Saints Sunday

All Saints Sunday is annually commemorated on the first Sunday of November. On this day, we read the names of the members who have died over the past year, light a candle, offer prayers, come together in mutual support for our common loss, and celebrate together their entrance into the Church Triumphant where we will all be united together again with all the saints in light.