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Ketchup Sunday

Ketchup Sunday

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday School at 9:00am

Worship at 10:15am

Fellowship Luncheon at 11:30am

After worship on Sunday, September 15 we will be celebrating in our annual "Ketchup Sunday", with hot dogs, ketchup, and other refreshments.

We hope this fellowship time will give us a chance to catch-up with each other after our summer vacations. To help with catching up, you are invited to email the church office pictures from your summer vacation at by Sunday, September 8. If you have multiple pictures, please do send them to the church. We will include them in a summer vacation slide show which will be presented during the fellowship time.

Ketchup Sunday is also about catching up with our missed offerings. If you look through your offering envelope packet, you may find a few from the summer that you haven't yet used. If so, you are invited and encouraged to bring those with you on September 15 (with an offering in them) and place them in the offering plate to be blessed and uplifted to God, and in doing so "Catch-Up" in your support of Christ's ministries through his church. If you cannot attend, you may also mail those offerings to the office or contribute electronically.

Whether you submit pictures or not, and whether you bring your envelopes or not, we hope that you will come, join in the refreshments, and catch up with your church family as we begin the fall.

September 15

Rally Day

September 20

Chow Chow Making